Test and Build Your Vocabulary Looking to expand your vocabulary while testing your word skills? Our quiz is here to help you learn and grow! How It Works You’ll tackle 40 engaging questions. Each question presents a word alongside four possible definitions. Each definition is clearly labelled as n. (noun), v. (verb), or adj. (adjective), making it easier to choose the right one and learn from the process. Submit Your Answers Once you’ve answered all 40 questions, simply click Submit. No pressure, there’s no time limit, so you can think through each word carefully. Learn from Your Results We’ll email your results directly to your inbox, giving you the chance to see where you shine and where you can improve. Each quiz helps you build your vocabulary by introducing new words and their meanings. This isn’t just a test, it’s a fun and interactive way to discover new words, refine your language skills, and become more confident with your vocabulary. Are you ready to learn something new? Lets go! apprehensive adj. unable to be satisfied n. working together secretly for an evil purpose adj. foul-smelling; harmful adj. fearful None hypothesis adj. given to joking or inappropriate gaiety; said in fun adj. in an early stage of development n. an assumption made for the sake of argument None insatiable v. to banish or exile; to withdraw from one's country n. a. personal peculiarity v. to check or hinder adj. unable to be satisfied None countenance adj. worthy of belief n. a face adj. excessive n. eagerness; cheerful promptness None onus n. burden; duty n. boredom; weariness of mind adj. gloomy; ill-humored n. nearness None raconteur adj. profuse or generous; given to extravagance n. a little world, or a universe in miniature adj. excessive n. a skilled storyteller None compensation adj. sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning v. to draw out n. payment for services v. to give a false idea of None cogent n. approval; praise adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason adj. pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar v. to prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions None jettison adj. simple and straightforward; concealing nothing v. to throw overboard (as cargo); to throw off (as a burden or something in the way ) n. one who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge adj. lacking in self-confidence None anonymous n. one who denies that God exists v. to root out, destroy totally ad. indicating a happy outcome adj. of unknown authorship None aesthetic adj. winding; indirect n. compelling a person by physical force or other means to do something against his will n. a branching; sub-division adj. pertaining to the beautiful None exotic adj. demonstrating originality, skill, or resourcefulness adj. pretending to be religious adj. strange and foreign v. to walk about (or talk) aimlessly; to wind about (as a stream) None bizarre adj. pertaining to money v. display or wave boastfully adj. queer; unusual in appearance n. an extreme patriot None writhe v. to twist about (usually with pain) n. a. personal peculiarity adj. inclined to plunder or rob; preying on, others adj. unrefined in speech or manners None ubiquitous adj. existing everywhere v. to postpone or put off to another time v. to smile in a silly or affected way adj. all-powerful None blithe adj. gay and light-hearted in spirit or mood adj. of little worth or importance adj. well-deserved (applied chiefly to punishment) adj. sorrowful; mournful None dolorous n. a privilege or power attaching to a position adj. constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes adj. sorrowful; mournful n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory) None exultation n. great rejoicing adj. positive in expressing an opinion n. coward n. faithfulness None benevolent adj. kindly; charitable n. boredom; weariness of mind adj. genuine v. to encourage -or support None promontory n. to interpret, explain the sense of, or analyze n. a cliff adj. trembling adj. apparent; pretended None promulgate adj. of low morals; corrupt adj. of, or pertaining to, the world, as contrasted with the spirit v. to publish or proclaim; to spread abroad adj. fearful None convivial adj. festive; gay adj. secret; stealthy n. feeling of displeasure or indignation resulting from mistreatment or abuse adj. swollen, inflated; using big or high-sounding words None atheist v. to make clear; to explain n. a state of happiness; a high ability v. to smile in a silly or affected way n. one who denies that God exists None culpable n. eagerness; cheerful promptness adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon adj. deserving blame or censure v. to quicken, speed tip None hyperbole n. boredom; weariness of mind adj. ridiculous; producing laughter adj. supreme power and authority; independent of the control of any other government n. extravagant exaggeration for effect None plagiarism v. to yield; to admit as true v. to exercise self control; to keep from adj. roomy n. adopting and reproducing, without acknowledgment, the writings or ideas of another and passing them off as one's own None ire adj. flimsy and cheap v. to follow or result n. anger n. an assumption made for the sake of argument None grimace v. to express sympathy with another in sorrow, pain, or misfortune n. a distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling adj. smooth-spoken, fluent v. to twist about (usually with pain) None crass adj. rigorously self-denying adv. with distrust adj. traveling about; wandering adj. coarse and stupid None innuendo adj. objectionable adj. festive; gay adj. having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory) None incisive adj. inclined to believe anything; easily imposed upon adv. with distrust adj. cutting, penetrating v. to be sorry for None proletariat adj. devoted to religious observances v. to express sympathy with another in sorrow, pain, or misfortune adj. objectionable n. the wage-earning class None sleazy adj. flimsy and cheap n. a distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling n. one who is at home in all countries n. a cliff None misanthropic adj. excessive adj. hating or distrusting mankind adj. often of mistakes, extremely and noticeably bad adj. deserving blame or censure None fiasco adj. deadly adj. queer; unusual in appearance n. a ludicrous and complete failure n. one who is at home in all countries None erudite v. to exclaim or utter suddenly adj. having or containing a lot of specialist knowledge adj. acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit adj. moderate in the use of food or drink None archetype adj. inclined to quarrel; warlike n. an original pattern n. one who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge v. to restate in a brief, concise form; to sum up None fictitious n. a remedy for all ills n. amazement; lack of courage caused by fearful prospect v. to paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise adj. unreal; made-up None anthology n. an indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory) n. one who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study n. payment for services n. a collection of choice literary works None flaunt v. display or wave boastfully n. great rejoicing adj. despotic adj. gripping and moving the feelings powerfully; piercing, biting, pointed None Please enter the details so we can send you the results. 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